Thursday, December 4, 2008 , Posted by Sarvesh at Thursday, December 04, 2008

Team Niveshak invites articles from B-Schools and Corporates all across India. We are looking for original articles related to Finance & Economics. Students can also contribute puzzles
and jokes related to finance & economics. References should be cited wherever necessary.
The best article will be featured as the “Article of the Month” and would be
awarded cash prize of Rs.1000/- along with a certificate.
- Please send your articles before 10th of every month to
- The subject line of the mail must be “Article for Niveshak_Name"
- Do mention your Name, Institute Name and Batch with your article
- Please ensure that the entire document has a wordcount between 1200 - 1500 words
- Format: Microsoft WORD File, Font: Times New Roman, Size: 12, Line spacing: 1.5
- Please do NOT send PDF files and kindly stick to the format
- Number of authors is limited to 2 at maximum
- Mention your e-mail id/ blog if you want the readers to contact you for further discussion
- Also certain entries which could not make the cut to the Niveshak will get figured
on our Blog in the ‘Specials’ section