Niveshak January 2012 Issue
Thursday, January 26, 2012 , Posted by Team Niveshak at Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dear Niveshaks,
2011 has not been very pleasant for the business world, as majority of both the developed and the developing nations have failed to experience rampant growth. Come 2012, we are again heading for a bumpy economy, and the harbingers of growth seem to be miles away.
The Euro Zone occupied the center-stage in the geo politics arena for almost the entire year. The repercussions of the debt of these countries have been felt by economies all across the globe. While the depth and duration of the slowdown in the European Union being difficult to be quantifiable, a continued credit crunch, sovereign-debt problems, lack of competitiveness, and fiscal austerity imply serious problems. The United States, which was on the brink of another major slowdown in 2011, has of late shown signs of recovery, both in terms of output and employment.
The outlook for the developing economies doesn’t seem to be very encouraging. The South East Asian giants- India and china have been revising its growth objective from time to time, and growth in china has been curtailed to a single figure level. India has been battling with a low Industrial production and inflation in the latter half of the year, and the depreciation of the home currency has been a major concern. However, with a spur in NRI deposits, owing to deregulation of NRI deposit rates, and the hefty selling of dollars by the reserve bank, the rupee has become is emerging. The Industrial production data for the month of November has provided a ray of hope, and all the efforts of the government in combating inflation are finally bearing fruit. Amidst such a situation, the World Bank has slashed the world GDP growth forecast for 2012 to a paltry 2.50%, and 3.40% for 2013. Given the uncertainty prevailing, and importance of euro zone in international business, the future of euro will play be a major role in determining how the world economy will shape up in this year. Thus, the coming year will yet again test the mettle of our economists, financial analysts and business tycoons. The Euro Zone occupied the center-stage in the geo politics arena for almost the entire year. The repercussions of the debt of these countries have been felt by economies all across the globe. While the depth and duration of the slowdown in the European Union being difficult to be quantifiable, a continued credit crunch, sovereign-debt problems, lack of competitiveness, and fiscal austerity imply serious problems. The United States, which was on the brink of another major slowdown in 2011, has of late shown signs of recovery, both in terms of output and employment.
This issue brings to you an exclusive view on the credibility of accountants in the contemporary world. This issue also features an exclusive interview with Mr. Swapnil Dakshindas, a Senior Manager at one of the Big Four Audit firms. The article of the month throws light on the appreciation of yen, and this issue also features other articles on Gold as a lucrative investment, commodity markets and the viability of ‘Real Estate Investment Trusts’ as an investment avenue. The classroom section explains the concept of ‘Insider Trading’.
We would like to thank all the readers for their valuable articles, crossword entries and appreciation e-mails. It is only because of readers’ constant support and encouragement that Niveshak has been such a great success. On these closing thoughts, I on behalf of the entire team of Niveshak would like to wish you all a happy and unforgettable 2012.
Please send in your suggestions and feedback at and as always,
Stay invested.
Team Niveshak
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