Niveshak December 2011 Issue

Monday, December 26, 2011 , Posted by Team Niveshak at Monday, December 26, 2011

Dear Niveshaks,

‘Niveshak’ has completed yet another year. As, we enter our 5th year, we have indeed come a long way from our humble beginnings in 2008. This year we saw more than 700 article entries coming to us from b-schools across India and even more Fin-Q entries. We also published a number of interviews from dignitaries a cross industry and academia. Also, new sections such as Market Snapshot and Classroom were introduced this year which got a lot of appreciation from readers.Surely, these achievements wouldn’t be possible without the continued support and contribution from our readers. As we pass the baton to our new team, I on behalf of the outgoing team would like to thank all the readers for their support and hope that we lived up to the expectation of one and all by contributing our bit to this great knowledge sharing platform called ‘Niveshak’.
The year 2011 was expected to be the year of growth, but instead the year turned to be just the opposite. I am not able to remember a single editorial in the last year where I have written something good about the markets or economy. The benchmark Sensex slipped by more than 20% during the year, the rupee depreciated by even more.Inflation, RBI policy,government in action, Euro crisis continued to dominate the headlines throughout the year and I don’t remember one editorial in last year where I have not mentioned these. I remember the June issue in which our cover story was on ‘double dipped’ recession. I distinctly recollect receiving mails from some optimistic readers about falsely spreading negativity. Two months later‘Economist’ carried a cover story on the same topic and today ‘double-dip’ is real in some parts of Europe and the global economic data point to some very difficult times ahead in other advanced economies as well.
Optimists argue that the global economy has merely hit a ‘soft patch’. Firms and consumers reacted to this year’s shocks by temporarily slowing consumption,capital spending, and job creation. As long as the shocks don’t worsen confidence,growth will recover and stock markets will rally again. However, the ‘double-dip’ proponents argue that the problems of the advanced economies is that of insolvency,not illiquidity; large and rising public and private deficits and debt, damaged financial systems that need to be cleaned up and recapitalized, massive loss of competitiveness, lack of economic growth, and rising unemployment. It is no longer possible to deny that public and private debts in PIIGs nations will need to be restructured. If the problem in advanced economies aggravates, the domino effect will ensure that no part of the world remains unaffected. We sincerely hope that the optimists are right and the new team has something good to write in the next year.
This issue brings to you some more interesting and insightful reads. The cover story this month focuses on Foreign Direct Investment in Indian retail sector.The issue also features an article on the critical review of the Disinvestment policy in India. Other articles in this issue focus on Alternative Investment Assets, Credit Default Swaps and regulation by Credit Ratings Agencies. The Classroom this month explains the meaning and significance of LIBOR. We would like to thank all those who have contributed articles to this issue and sent entries for FinQ.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

Stay invested.

Rajat Sethia

(Editor -Niveshak)

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