Niveshak July 2013 Issue with Page Flip version
Monday, July 29, 2013 , Posted by Team Niveshak at Monday, July 29, 2013
India’s defense of its currency is showing signs of working as the RBI pays the highest yields for short-term debt in years. The rupee rose to a five-week high of 58.76 per dollar on 25th July, after the RBI agreed to pay double-digit yields to sell 52 billion rupees in one and two-month debt, in its second sale of short-term debt in as many days.
At times the financial markets show absurd behavior with wide upswings and downswings in indices in both intraday trading as well as daily trends. Such volatile movements happening in markets keep many investors out of the markets. The Article of the Month discusses about the cause of this capricious market behavior and how to react in such markets. The cover Story for the Month of July takes a step away from the conventional topics of Finance and discusses about psychological biases, commonly known as superstitions, which significantly affect financial decision making.
It tries to find reasons for the existence of superstitions in today’s new age capital markets, with all sophisticated IT systems and endless packs of data.
Niveshak also brings some more good reads for you in this issue –Given the ballooning Current Account Deficit and importing gold being a major concern, the Fin-Sight of the issue tries to throw light on various angles by which gold imports can be reduced. ‘Futures’ & ‘Options’ are the two words that are usually associated with high-risk. FinGyaan of the issue talks about how ‘Futures’ & ‘Options’ prove to be excellent hedging tools that can continually act as protective measures for prudent investors in case things start taking a turn for the worse.
Then there is a discussion on the impact of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 in USA, passed with the intent to remove government control over fares, routes and market entry (of new airlines) from commercial aviation. The issue also explains the concept of Put and Call options through our much cherished Classroom Section.
Last week we organized “Celebratio”, a series of run-up events to the 5 year Anniversary issue coming next month in August. We would like to thank all for participating in such huge numbers and making “Celebratio” a big success. To end this brief note, it’s important that we thank you, our readers, for your constant support and appreciation. Thank you! It is your endless encouragement and enthusiasm that keeps us going. Kindly keep pouring in your suggestions and feedback to and as always,
Stay invested,
Team Niveshak.
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