Niveshak January 2014 Issue with Page Flip version

Friday, January 31, 2014 , Posted by Team Niveshak at Friday, January 31, 2014

Dear Niveshaks, 

With yet another issue of Niveshak, we wish you an ebullient and wonderful year ahead. Amidst relentless cold waves, January has been an eventful month. Start­ing with social networking, 30 million users were added to the cross platform app, WhatsApp, in January. With 430 million users, it poses direct competition to SMS.

Meanwhile, Anand Sharma, India’s Commerce and Industry Minister, said further liberalization of Foreign Direct Investment Policy will ensure India’s endeavour to retain its leadership position in attracting foreign investments. The three-day In­ternational Kite Festival (IKF), inaugurated by Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi in Ahmedabad recorded a surge in the Kite market crossing INR 500 crores. It also strengthened the tourism sector. Prime Minister Manmohan Singh laid the foundation stone of a nuclear power plant in Fatehabad district of Haryana at Gorakhpur village. While Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s decision to cut tariffs by half through a subsidy may have made Delhi power the cheapest in the country, but doesn’t it threaten to undo all recent reforms in tariff rationalisation across the country? Delhi may have the money to subsidise power; the problem is that many other states do not have the financial wherewithal to follow. In the Common Admission Test 2013, eight engineers scored 100 percentile.
It gives us immense pleasure to launch the ‘Niveshak Investment Fund’ wherein we have decided to invest in a diversified portfolio of equities hand-picked by us. Our endeavours are all set to outperform the market. The Article of the month, ‘Will REITs Breathe Life into the Comatose Indian Real Estate Markets?’ dwells into the depth of Indian Real Estate Market and discusses the prospects of REITs in India. Our cover story ‘Rationalization or Revamp: Future of Indian Taxation System?’ analyses the problems with the current taxation system and the nitty-gritties of the proposed taxation on banking transactions. Our next section, FinSight, brings forward the impacts that GST, one of the most awaited reforms, would bring about. Our article on ‘Downfall of Kingfisher Airlines’ gives us insights on how the mighty player came down on its knees. FinGyaan article ‘When the “BRICS” start to fall’ speculates whether the golden era is over for these growing countries. We are introducing a new section ‘FinView’ from this month. It will have excerpts from the conversation with subject matter experts from various domains of finance. Our section on FinView is an interaction with Mr. Puneet Prakash, Associate Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University. He threw light on the future of risk manage­ment in India and around the world. He also shared the recent happenings and trends in the field of risk management. ETF is a security that tracks an index, a commodity or a basket of assets like an index fund, but trades like a stock on an exchange. Our classroom section gives a clear idea of what ETFs actually are.
We would like to thank our readers for their immense support and encourage­ment. You remain our prime motivation factor which keeps our spirits high and gives us the vigour and vitality to keep working hard. Thank you. 

Stay invested!

Team Niveshak
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