Niveshak February 2014 Issue with Page Flip version

Saturday, March 1, 2014 , Posted by Team Niveshak at Saturday, March 01, 2014

Dear Niveshaks, 

With the retreating chill of the month of February, we bring to you a fresh new edition of Niveshak. India has now become a nation of 29 states with the Parlia­ment approving the formulation of the new state Telangana by dividing Andhra Pradesh into two separate states. Hyderabad will be acting as a joint capital for the two states for the next 10 years.

With the 2014 general elections round the corner, the political arena of India is buzzing with a lot of activity. Resignation of the newly appointed Chief Minister of Delhi, Mr. Arvind Kejriwal, from his position, was rumored to be another such politically motivated move. Although his exit was also quite dramatic, with him filing a FIR against Reliance Industries Ltd.’s chairman Mr. Mukesh Ambani, the petroleum minister Mr Veerappa Moily, for­mer Union minister Mr. Murli Deora and retired director general of hydrocarbons Mr. VK Sibal for unfairly influencing the decision of setting the prices of natural gas, in the year 2007, to give undue benefit to RIL. On the international front, the highlighted news was the appointment of Mr Satya Nadella, formerly an Indian native, as the CEO of the software giant Microsoft. His appointment came in the wake of retirement of the former CEO Mr Steve Ballmer. But, the biggest news of the moth was the acquisition of WhatsApp by Facebook for a whooping amount of 19 billion dollars. The price of this deal was a surprise for many and invited mixed reviews from the industry.
As we move ahead with our initiative of Niveshak Investment Fund (NIF), the port­folio has shown a favorable growth trend by outperforming the market. A detailed report inside summarizes the overall performance of the fund for this month. The Article of the Month this time is “Is the Indian banking sector vulnerable to cri­sis?” and it discusses the Indian banks, their influence on the economy and what factors influence their functionalities. Our Cover Story for this month “All that matters is Green?” analyses the various aspects related to the Disinvestment policy of the Indian. FinGyan section of this edition elaborates on the various aspects of “CrowdFunding”. FinSight article “Factoring: The Next Big Wave” explores how this credit management tool can play a crucial in developing sustainable business models. The FinPact article “Google’s money Mine” shows the rise and the journey of Google to the top of the corporate pyramid, making the company one of the biggest success of this millennium. This time, the FinView section has the experts from our interaction with Mr. K Venugopal, CGM of Global Markets at State Bank of India. He gave us many useful insights into the Indian banking sector. And lastly, the Classroom section would throw some light on the nitty-gritties of Fixed Income Securities.
We would like to thank our readers for their immense support and encourage-ment. You remain our prime motivation factor that keeps our spirits high and gives us the vigor and vitality to keep working hard. Thank you.

Stay invested!

Team Niveshak
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